Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Im In Germany

Hey Yall I made it safe. Flying was not to bad I am not so fond of landing but take off rocks! Here is a Pic of my view outside the plane, look at the clouds! I miss you all! But I am going to try to have fun with out you, wait I cant!


(akw)Stretch said...

That is great that you made it safe. I hope things will be great over there and I hope you enjoy yourself. Oh don't forget to write to me...I will take anything and reply asap. (well you know that)

MHanson said...

I'm glad you made it across the big pond alright. Keep posting. We all miss you here.

EoLhC said...

I'm so glad to hear you made it there safe and sound.
I slept in today and I blame you because of it.
You best keep posting. I love you tons. *kisses*

Tamra's Mommi said...

it is great haveing tamra here. we will do alot of fun things together, she is a great kid,

Unknown said...

Miss Tamra,

I'm sorry I haven't commented sooner. It seems that time seems to get away from me. One minute it's 8 a.m. and before I know it, it's 4 p.m. and I don't know where the time went.

I'm making excuses I know. I'm quite anxious to here about your experiences there. I want to know about your school, what you do when you're not in school, how you like your job, and you general impressions of the city and the country.

Things are going well here. We miss you of course. I'm hoping we can keep in touch this way. In any event, I'm glad you had a safe trip. Enjoy yourself. Explore. Learn. Share. It would be great if you could share some photos with us too.

I look forward to hearing more from you. Keep writing. I'll keep reading.